Our current exhibition:

The Bermuda Triangle

Here for a limited time - see it before it disappears!

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Hole, is an area of the Atlantic Ocean where many ships and aircraft have mysteriously disappeared over the past 100 years.

The three points of the triangle are said to be the island of Bermuda itself, the coast of Florida and San Juan, the largest city in Puerto Rico.

Bermuda Triangle Myths

Numerous incidents have occurred in the triangle over the years including:

  • The USS Cyclops. The single biggest loss of life in the US Navy that wasn’t as a result of enemy action, occurred when the USS Cyclops disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in March 1918 while carrying a crew of 309
  • Flight 19. Flight 19 was a training flight consisting of five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers that took place on December 5th 1945. All five planes and the 14 airmen who were onboard vanished. A search and rescue plane – a Martin PBM Mariner with 13 crew aboard – also disappeared whilst searching for the missing bombers.
  • DC-3. In December 1948 a Douglas DC-3 airliner carrying 29 passengers and 3 crew disappeared whilst en route from San Juan Puerto Rico to Miami, Florida, despite the weather being fine and the visibility good.

Visit the exhibition to find out more

Coming Next

Our next special exhibition will be TUTANKHAMUN.

Get ready for the arrival of King Tut, learn all about the life of the infamous Eygyptian monarch. His appointment to the throne at a young age, his marriage to his half-sister and many more incredible facts about his life… and death.